Encapsulated Counter Mats

High-Impact, Durable Counter Mats for Your Business

Welcome to Gecko Media, where we specialise in providing top-quality encapsulated counter mats that combine durability with high-impact branding. Perfect for bars, restaurants, retail stores, and promotional events, our counter mats are designed to protect your surfaces while delivering vibrant, eye-catching messages to your customers.

Why Choose Encapsulated Counter Mats?

Unmatched Durability Our encapsulated counter mats are crafted with a high-grade, sealed surface that ensures long-lasting performance even in high-traffic areas. They are resistant to spills, stains, and heavy usage, making them an ideal choice for busy environments.

Vibrant Full-Color Printing We utilize state-of-the-art printing technology to deliver vivid, full-color designs that stand out. Whether you want to promote your brand, highlight special offers, or display key messages, our counter mats will grab attention and make a lasting impression.

Easy to Clean The sealed surface of our counter mats makes them incredibly easy to clean. Simply wipe them down with a damp cloth to keep them looking fresh and new, ensuring your brand always shines.

Customizable Designs We offer complete customization options to match your branding needs. Choose from a variety of sizes, shapes, and designs to create a counter mat that perfectly aligns with your brand’s identity and marketing goals.

Perfect for Any Setting

Bars & Restaurants Protect your bar and table surfaces while showcasing your brand. Our counter mats are perfect for promoting daily specials, new menu items, or upcoming events.

Retail Stores Enhance your checkout areas with branded counter mats that reinforce your marketing messages. Highlight promotions, loyalty programs, or seasonal sales right where customers make their purchases.

Events & Trade Shows Make a strong impression at events and trade shows with encapsulated counter mats that feature your logo and key messages. They provide an additional touchpoint for brand visibility and engagement.

Order Your Encapsulated Counter Mats Today!

Ready to elevate your branding with durable, eye-catching counter mats? Contact us today to discuss your needs and get a custom quote. Our team is here to help you create the perfect countermat solution for your business.

Contact Us:

  • Phone: 011 234 4501
  • Email: sales@geckomedia.co.za

Gecko Media – Quality, Durability, and Style in Every Mat.